Robotic Process Automation [RPA]
At WorkChop Inc., we help you use artificial intelligence, #RPA, and machine learning to accelerate and optimize your business processes and Key Performance Indicators.
Step into the digital age with RPA technology!
Boost your Revenue in three different ways:
Productivity Gains
You can get up to 8 times as much output with zero downtime and zero inconsistencies in service-delivery by using RPA technology!
Just last year, we helped one of our clients in Healthcare to revive a dying product line.
We did this by using RPA technology to automate the key steps involved in the process of delivering that dying service.
At the end of the year, that client achieved an astounding 800% revenue spike on that product line alone.
For clarity, that's like converting $1 million to $8 million in one year!
Even more astonishing is the fact that that these productivity gains came with zero additional staff costs.
In other words, the company was able to produce 8 times as much, without spending anything on additional labor.
That is every business's dream. This can easily be your story too, if you work with us!
We offer a free, no obligation consultation to forward-thinking business leaders that are seeking bottom-line growth.
For a limited time, you also get a free, no obligation micro-automation on us.
Scale up Your Capacity
You can automate key business processes that are repetitive and easily multiply your ability to deliver high-quality service- without significant increases in labor costs.
But why should you?
Because, whether you like it or not, staff can resign or take family time off at any time.
If you run any type of business, then you know that the timing of staff absences is not always convenient for the business.
To avoid costly disruptions in service delivery and quality, you need to have systems in place that protect your business from unplanned staff absences.
Automating your key processes allows you to do this without any fear. It allows you to delegate these tasks with confidence.
It also helps you to ensure that a high quality of output is consistently delivered.
Another added advantage is that unlike humans, robots don't get tired or make mistakes.
But most importantly, because the robots do the work several times faster than humans, it also allows your organization to produce at a capacity that was previously not humanly possible.
Enhance Creativity
When robots take tedious, repetitive tasks away from your staff, you will be amazed at how the individual creativity of the freed staff will propel your organization forward.
RPA helps employees find more meaning and purpose at work by automating the tasks that are boring and repetitive.
Often, some of these repetitive tasks can be key business processes and therefore need to always be executed with precision.
If the job is predictable with zero to moderate variation, it can almost certainly be automated.
Be assured that automation does not take the jobs away from your staff. No.
Instead, it frees the staff up to:
1. Give quality time to customers
2. Think of better and faster ways to do other things that can positively impact your organization's performance.
One of the business managers we interviewed is astounded by the increase in productivity.
The staff are coming up with new ideas and changes because they now suddenly have more time to think. And these changes are driving productivity even higher!
Start Your Digital Transformation Journey Today!
Let our experienced automation engineers help you leverage RPA technology to astronomically scale up your organization’s productivity.
Our custom-made robots will wow you. They will execute your business processes seamlessly, efficiently, and consistently. That’s our promise to you.

Case Study:
We helped one client save $105,000 in staff costs and 6,240 labor hours by automating just one of their many key business processes.
And guess what? Nobody lost their job!
Talk about doing more with less, right?
The best part of the deal is that our robots do the job more than 2.6 times faster than manual labor ever could!!
Here at Work Chop Inc, we deploy RPA technology to solve business problems and help you to astronomically multiply your productivity and output.
We have the expertise to help you achieve 24/7 service-delivery instead of just 8/5!
If you can dream it, it may just be possible!
Talk to us about your business problems. We love solving them!
Are you a business executive, manager, or contractor who is swamped with work?
Talk to us.
We can help you automate repetitive tasks and thus boost your productive capacity.
If you think that there are areas of your job description that are full of activities that are repetitive and non-cerebral, then you should probably push for the automation of those elements of your job.
When you are not bogged down with mind-numbing grunt work, you can use your creativity to find better and faster ways to do things.
Yes, work can be fun again.
And because you are now using your creativity to aid your organization’s growth, you will be more excited about going to work, and your organization can benefit from, and reward you for the additional value you are now creating.
Remember, you get paid for the value you bring to the organization, not just for logging time. The more value you bring, the higher your compensation.

What can we do for you?
Our specialists listen to and observe your organizational problems. Subsequently, we identify hidden opportunities for intelligent automation and create specialized robots to help you eliminate the inconsistencies and inefficiencies in your operational system

Process Discovery

RPA Planning

RPA Implementation

Post-Sales Support
Two Simple Plans
Choose a plan that works for you
- RPA Assessment
- RPA Discovery
- RPA implementation
- RPA Assessment
- RPA Discovery
- RPA implementation
Book a free, no obligation consultation without further delay!
You get one free micro-automation when you book a consult. What have you got to lose?
In just one click, start the process of assessing your unique business needs. We will help you convert them into action plans that will ultimately enhance your productivity and income!